Home Queue in swift

Queue in swift

Here, we’ll be creating a simple data structure Queue, to demonstrate some of the functionalities of swift language, which includes:

  • Value-type generics,
  • Secure memory pointers,
  • Mutating functions on struct,
  • Sequence Type and Generator Types protocols, and
  • Copy-on-write feature on swift

Queue is an abstract data type or a linear data structure, in which the first element is inserted from one end called REAR (also called Tail), and the deletion of existing element takes place from the other end called as FRONT (also called Head). This makes queue as FIFO data structure, which means that element inserted first will also be removed first. Like Stack, Queue is also an ordered list of elements of similar data types.



The process to add an element into queue is called Enqueue and the process of removal of an element from queue is called Dequeue.

Queue Protocol

It defines the functionality of Queue, having three functions `enqueue:`, `dequeue`, and `peek`. All functions are marked as `mutating` because they will be mutating the queue properties. Since it’ll be a homogenous queue we’ve associated the protocol with type `Element` which will be queued or dequeued.

protocol QueueType { typealias Element mutating func enqueue(element: Element) mutating func dequeue() -> Element? func peek() -> Element? }


By default, the properties of a value type (like struct or enum) cannot be modified from within its instance methods. However, if you need to modify the properties of your structure or enumeration within a particular method, you can opt in to mutating behavior for that method. References: Apple Documentation, A blog post by @NatashaTheRobot

Queue Storage:

final class Storage {

private var pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer private let capacity: Int

init(capacity: Int) { pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer.alloc(capacity) self.capacity = capacity }

static func copy(storage: Storage) -> Storage { let storageNew = Storage(capacity: storage.capacity) storageNew.pointer.initializeFrom(storage.pointer, count: storage.capacity) return storageNew }

func add(element: Element, at index: Int) { (pointer + index).initialize(element) }

func removeAt(index: Int) { (pointer + index).destroy() }

func itemAt(index: Int) -> Element { return (pointer + index).memory }

deinit { pointer.destroy(capacity) pointer.dealloc(capacity) } }

We’ll create a generic class to store queue elements in it. This class will initialize a mutable pointer with given capacity and will have functions like `add` and `remove` at given index.


init(capacity: Int); It will allocate memory with capacity for pointer, which will keep queue elements. Here is a good explanation about Memory Pointers in swift

func add(element: Element, at index: Int) func removeAt(index: Int) func itemAt(index: Int) -> Element These functions will let us add, remove and return an element at a given position in the storage.

Note: (ptr + position).memory works because of + is overloaded in swift’s stdlib which gives the pointer incremented by the number provided.

`public func +(lhs: UnsafeMutablePointer, rhs: Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer\`

deinit Swift doesn’t provide any option to do a cleanup when a value type is removed from a memory. So we need to use class as a storage, it gives deinit function where we can write the cleanup. deinit is called when a reference type is removed (A reference type is removed when there are zero references to it), we have to get rid of all the memory we asked for while creating this storage when our queue goes out of scope.

_**static func copy(storage: Storage) -> Storage**_ We’ll need to copy the storage when our queue is passed around and is mutated.

The Queue:

struct Queue : QueueType {

private var storage: Storage private var rear: Int = 0 private var front: Int = 0 private var count: Int = 0 private let capacity: Int

init(capacity: Int) { self.capacity = capacity storage = Storage(capacity: capacity) }

private mutating func makeUnique() { if !isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC(&storage) { storage = Storage.copy(storage) } }

mutating func enqueue(element: Element) { guard count < capacity else { print(“Queue is full.”) return } makeUnique() storage.add(element, at: rear) rear = (rear + 1) % capacity count = count + 1 }

mutating func dequeue() -> Element? { guard count > 0 else { print(“Queue is empty.”) return nil }

makeUnique() let item = storage.itemAt(front) storage.removeAt(front) front = (front + 1) % capacity count = count - 1 return item }

func peek() -> Element? { guard count > 0 else { print(“Queue is empty.”) return nil } return storage.itemAt(front) } }

Queue is implemented as a struct containing five properties, storage keeps the buffer, rear and front keeps the track of Tail and Head of the queue respectively, count keeps the total number of elements and capacity defines total size of queue buffer. The init method will initialize storage with the provided capacity.


private mutating func makeUnique() It keeps the common functionality of struct. It calls isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC() internally (a method defined in stdlib) which tells us if a non-objc object ie pure swift object has reference count equal to one or not.

`public func isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC<T : AnyObject>(inout object: T) -> Bool`

if !isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC(&storage) { storage = Storage.copy(storage) }

so when one queue instance is assigned into another variable it will share the storage instance until enqueue, dequeue, or peek is called on the new instance (or the old one) and it will detach the old storage and create a new copy for itself to use by calling the copy method on the storage. This is how copy-on-write is achieved. Thanks @aciidb0mb3r for the clarification. Here is Doc and an example code which simplifies the same.

enqueue() will insert an element at end of the queue. dequeue() will remove first element from the queue. peek() will return the first element of the queue.

In order for queue to support for..in looping just like an array, It needs to implement SequenceType protocol. Here is the key is generate() function, which returns a GeneratorType. Thus we also need to implement the GeneratorType protocol, which makes a call to dequeue() function from next() function implementation. Reference: Swift Collection Protocols

extension Queue: SequenceType { func generate() -> QueueGenerator { return QueueGenerator(queue: self) } }

struct QueueGenerator : GeneratorType { var queue: Queue mutating func next() -> Element? { return queue.dequeue() } }


Let’s try out queue with Int and also calls SequenceType’s functions to do operations on the queue.

var intQueue = Queue(capacity: 20) intQueue.enqueue(11) intQueue.enqueue(12) intQueue.dequeue() // Remove from front ie 11 intQueue.enqueue(13) print("Print elements in queue") for i in intQueue { print(i) }

let queueValuesMultipliedByTwo = intQueue.map { $0 * 2 } print(queueValuesMultipliedByTwo)

Storing reference type in Queue

Now, let’s try the queue with reference types, we’ll create a simple class, which confirms to CustomStringConvertible protocol to print class description. And add few instances into the queue.

class Foo : CustomStringConvertible { let tag: Int init(_ tag: Int) { self.tag = tag } deinit { print(“Removing…\(tag)”) } var description: String { return “#\(tag)” } }

var queueClass = Queue(capacity: 20) queueClass.enqueue(Foo(1)) queueClass.enqueue(Foo(2)) queueClass.dequeue() print(queueClass)

The entire playground friendly code is available here. Happy coding, cheers :)

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