Home Big O notation

Big O notation

Drop the constants

Ex: Runtime $O(2N)$ will become $O(N)$

Drop the non-dominant terms

Since we drop constants therefore $O(N^2 + N^2)$ becomes $O(N^2)$. If we did not care about the latter $N^2$ why would we care about single $N$, we don’t.


  • $O(N^2 + N)$ becomes $O(N^2)$
  • $O(N logN)$ becomes $O(N)$
  • $O(5 * 2^N * 100N^9)$ becomes $O(2^N)$

but when we have two different runtime, we do not drop any

  • $O(i + j)$ remain same because both are unknown

Add runtimes

When an algorithm is in form of do this and when we are all done, do that then we add the runtimes.


func foo() {
    for x in i {}
    for y in j {}

runtime would be $O(i + j)$

Multiply runtimes

When an algorithms is in form of do this for each time we do that then we multiply the runtimes.


func foo() {
    for x in i {
        for y in j {}

runtime would be $O(i * j)$

Known length

When array length is known that means it is a Constant and we drop the constant to calculate runtime.

func foo() {
    for x in i {
        for y in j {
            for z in 1...1000 {}

Ex: $O(i * j * 1000)$ -> $O(i * j)$

Recursive runtime

When we have a recursive function and that makes multiple recursive calls then the runtime will often (but not always) look like $O(branches^d)$ where branches are the number of times each recursive call branches.

multiple recursive calls means an Exponential Runtime

Runtime of a recursive function with multiple branches is $O(branch ^ d)$


When we see an algorithm with multiple recursive calls, we are looking at Exponential runtime.

log runtimes

When a number of elements in the problem space gets halved each time that will likely be a $O(log N)$ runtime

Not all binary search tree has log runtime.

half runtimes

When we divide the array by a constant it still runs an unknown number of times which is half of original. After dropping the dividend which is a known constant, runtime becomes $O(N)$.

Amortize time

The average time of best runtime $O(1)$ and worst runtime $O(N)$


Since functions live in a stack, spaces are calculated likewise

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